How did the idea for Torah Nuggets on Ice begin?
How did the idea for Torah Nuggets on Ice short video teachings begin? The Jewish tradition explains that there are 70 faces of Torah (Bamidbar Rabbah 13, 15) which for me means that there are a vast number of creative ways to teach Torah, a vast number of creative ways to share the myriad of branches of Torah teachings that inspire and nourish us if we only reach for them and hold on. I covered the National Hockey League’s (NHL) Chicago Blackhawks in 1992-93, where Mike Keenan was the coach, and Chris Chelios, Jeremy Roenick, Ed Belfour, and Stu Grimson some of the notable players on the team. I attended approximately 40 home games as a member of the press for Hockey Maven/journalist/author Stan Fischler and the Hockey News when I was an undergraduate at Northwestern University. Torah Nuggets on Ice combine my passion for Torah learning and ice hockey and God willing perhaps people are more receptive to hearing the message precisely because they are short “nuggets” of Torah teachings delivered in a unique, fun, and memorable way.
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